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Coupa Software
Brand Illustrations

Product and human illustrations for Coupa Software

The Objective: Create a cohesive set of unique illustrations to represent the Coupa Software products and community to be used on the Coupa website and a variety of marketing assets. Represent the narrative and human elements of the software.

The Challenge: Uphold Coupa's brand aesthetic and personality while also expanding upon Coupa's visual language to include more illustrative and narrative elements. Have the illustrations describe not only what the product does, but to tell a story about its users and the Coupa community.

The product illustrations introduce new elements to Coupa's visual language: an expanded color palette, human figures that interact with icons and each other, and supporting icons and illustrations.

Early exploration included numerous process sketches that placed an emphasis on icons and the product's interface. However, the visual direction of the illustrations quickly shifted to focusing more on the users and their interactions in order to present a stronger narrative.

The cohesive set of product illustrations features all 11 Coupa products. Each illustration expands upon the existing icon for each product, while incorporating depictions of human interaction to represent the importance of Coupa's community of users.